How do I operate a Lecture-style TEAL room in BECC?

A guide to get you started operating a Lecture-style TEAL space in BECC.

Garrett Livingston

Last Update hace 2 años

Note: Detailed articles about the specific technologies available in these spaces can be found at the bottom of the article

BECC Lecture-style TEAL Classroom Quickstart

1. As in the BECC Zoom Rooms Quickstart guide, turn on your laptop or the instructor PC located under the right side of the desk.

a. To connect, use the retractable cables included in the top of the podium

Note: The list of the functional cables/jacks includes the HDMI, the three-pronged power outlet, and USB jacks (for power only).

b. Most laptops will only need the HDMI connection (and power if you are running a long class)

Note: If you are using a MacBook, you will need a dongle to connect the HDMI

c. If you are using the in-room instructor PC, you will need to turn it on and use your BU credentials to login

2. Make sure that the room AV system is on and confirm that you are sending sources to the instructor display as needed.

a. In order to send sources to the displays (i.e. Monitors and/or Projector(s)) in the room, you press the buttons in the bottom left of the touch panel mounted to the desk, then select where to send the source with the Buttons to the left of the volume slider.

Rooms Related to the Article: 1120, 1170/1180, 3160a/3160b, 4160a/4160b

Related Terms: BECC, BEC, Business, Engineering, Convergence Center, MacBook, Laptop, Audio Visual, AV Technology, Tech, Zoom, Google Meets, Meets, adapter, Microphones, Mics

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