How do I operate the AV tech in Olin Lecture Halls?

A walkthrough of the Audio Visual Technology in Olin Hall Lecture Halls

Garrett Livingston

Last Update há 2 anos

Note: Detailed articles about the specific technologies available in these spaces can be found at the bottom of the article

Olin Hall Lecture Halls Guide

Olin Hall contains several lecture halls. This guide will help you get started teaching in these lecture halls.

The first thing you will see when you get to the podium of any of these halls is the touch panel.

These panels are used to control what is displayed on the projector as well as to any remote participants via Zoom.

In the bottom left corner, there is a list of sources. 

Simply tap them and they will show up both on the projector and over Zoom.

Doc Cam and DVD/VCR also provide you controls for both devices.

Doc Cam


In order to display your Laptop HDMI, you need to plug in the HDMI cable to your machine.

Note: If you are using a newer MacBook, you may need an adapter to connect the HDMI cable.

There are 3 types of microphones in these spaces.

1. Handheld Wireless Microphone for amplifying your voice in the room

2. Lapel Wireless Microphone for amplifying your voice in the room

Note: Only one of these can be used at any given time. The Handheld microphone is sometimes locked in the rack cabinet. Also, please refrain from using consumer batteries in these. The appropriate replacements can be found in the drawer labeled “New Batteries”

3. Wired Boundary Microphone for amplifying your voice(s) over Zoom

The DVD Player and Handheld Wireless microphone can both be found inside the Rack cabinet.

This guide applies to Olin Hall (OH) 164, 168

Related Terms: Lecture halls, Olin Hall, Microphones, Mics, Batteries, Projector, Zoom, PC, Laptop, MacBook, adapter, DVD, VCR

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