How do I set up Portable Speakers from AV Services?
This guide will help you get started with a stereo speaker setup from AV Services
Garrett Livingston
Last Update 3 years ago
Portable Speaker Quickstart
Bradley AV Services has portable speakers and stands available for check out. This guide will show you proper setup procedures for them.
1. Set up the Tripod stands by unscrewing the plastic nut and extending the feet all the way out.
2. Tighten the nut back down so the pole stays in place.
3. Unscrew the plastic nut at the top of the stand and remove the metal pin to extend the pole as high as you need it.
4. Lift the speakers onto the stands. There is a hole in the bottom of the speaker that will fit the stand.
5. Attach the XLR speaker cables and power cables
a. Power goes in the three prong socket
b. XLR in from mixer/source goes in Port 1
c. Daisy chain the speakers together using the line out on one speaker and input one on the other
6. There are volume controls on the back of both speakers in case you get any feedback after testing with a Microphone.
a. Adjust the control next to your input until you no longer get feedback.
Note: If you are using an external mixer, set the volume on speakers to 50% and make adjustments via the mixer.