How do I put in a technology purchase request? The Technology Purchase Request Form

Printers. Computers. Software. Other Hardware. Etc.

Tim Wheat

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

The Technology Purchase Request Form is an automated routing/purchasing instrument intended to accelerate the vetting and purchasing of technology related items at Bradley University. We are asking those wishing to purchase technology related items to follow the recommended steps below as this suggested workflow will further speed up the process.

  1. Before filling out the form, discuss your purchasing needs with your local/embedded IT Liaison or IT Business Partner. Many times purchases aren't needed, as an in house solution already exists. Other times IT may already have a recommended path/purchase that will lead to cost savings and accelerated delivery of the proper solution.
  2. If, after contacting your local/embedded IT expert, it is determined that you are still in need, please  navigate directly to to get started with your form.
  3. Upon entrance to you will need to enter your Bradley credentials.
  4. After logging in, select "IT" in the left hand navigation.
  5. Select "Technology Purchase Request"
  6. You will be asked "Are you sure you want to create a document packet for Technology Purchase Request?" Select "OK"
  7. Your BUnetID should automatically populate adjacent to the "Requester" row in the BUnetID column.
  8. Please enter the BUnetID of your Academic Department Chair or Business Unit Manager in the second row of the BUnetID column. Select "Get Info" to automatically populate the person’s information.
  9. Please enter the BUnetID of your Academic College Dean or Business Unit Director in the third row of the BUnetID column. Select "Get Info" to automatically populate the person’s information.
  10. If this is a purchase for an academic unit please select "wzakahi" from the dropdown in the fourth row of the BUnetID column. If this is a purchase for a business unit you may leave this field blank. Select "Get Info" to automatically populate the person’s information.
  11. Select your intended use.
  12. Select a funding source.
  13. Select your "Item(s)" to be purchased.
  14. Provide a brief description of and justification for the Item(s) requested.
  15. Provide a url for the item you wish to purchase. If you have already worked with your IT liaison to procure a quote you can either copy/paste that information here or it can also be attached using the "Add Supporting Material" selection in the left hand navigation. If you have not already worked with an IT liaison you can expect someone to be in contact with you following completion of the form.
  16. If using the "Add Supporting Material" button you will upload/attach your document, then select "Submit". If you are ready to submit at this point select "Save & Close". If you aren't ready to submit just yet, you may select "Save & Edit"
  17. Once you have followed the above steps and are satisfied with your form please select "Route"
  18. Congratulations! You're done!

How it Works

  1. Once you have routed your form it will generate an email to your Academic Department Chair or Business Unit Manager for approval. We recommend making sure they know ahead of time that this email is coming in order to expedite the process.
  2. Upon approval from the Academic Department Chair or Business Unit Manager an email will automatically be generated for the Academic College Dean or Business Unit Director. We recommend making sure they know ahead of time that this email is coming in order to expedite the process.
  3. Upon approval from the Academic College Dean or Business Unit Director the form will be routed to IT. If you have already worked with your IT liaison the process can generally move very quickly. If you have not, you can expect a member of the Learning Design & Technology team to be in contact shortly so as to process the request.
  4. If approved at the above level the request is then forwarded to the CIO. (Business Unit requests may skip to number 6 below.)
  5. If approved by the CIO, academic requests will be automatically forwarded to the Provost for final approval.
  6. Upon approval from the CIO/Provost, requests will be routed to IT purchasing. IT will work with the Requester to properly execute the purchase and manage funds.
  7. Once the item is purchased and delivered, IT will work with the Requester to deliver the item and/or install/image/set up the item.


Q. What if someone says "No" along the approval path?

A. If a "No" is entered at any point along the approval path, the form will stop there. This is one reason we encourage all academic/business units to inform their Department Chairs/Deans prior to filling out a form. If you have worked with your IT liaison prior to filling out the form you will generally either have your item already (because IT had a solution at the ready) or already have a good sense that it will move smoothly through the ranks or be denied. If you have not already worked with your IT liaison someone will be in contact about your request and will work quickly to let you know whether or not that request will move forward. It is not the intention of IT to surprise Requesters with a "No" that ends the form's routing.

Q. What if my form gets a "No" along the approval path and the Requester/Dept. Chair/Dean/Director does not agree?

A. If a Requester/Dept. Chair/Dean/Director does not agree with a decision made during the form's routing, a final decision can still be made by the Provost (Academic Unit) or the CIO (Business Unit). Again, it is not the intention of this form to surprise anyone with a "No" or cancellation of a form.

Q. Who do I contact if I have a question about a form?

A. Please contact your IT liaison with any questions about your form. They can make further requests should more insight be needed.

Q. How long does it take for an order to process?

A. This can vary depending on the speed at which individual approval levels take place, however, following the recommended steps above will result in the fastest resolution.

Q. Do I still need to fill out a PO/Req form like I used to?

A. Yes

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