Panopto Viewing Issues
Tim Wheat
Last Update 3 jaar geleden
The number one issue when others can't see an embedded video of yours within a course or via a link you've shared with them can be fixed within your Sharing settings.
- Navigate to the Panopto Video tool within your Canvas course or access Panopto directly at
- Hover over the video and select "Share"
- Select "Change" within the heading "Who can access this video"
* "Your Organization (unlisted) Anyone at your org who has the link" is oftentimes the most popular option as it will allow anyone who logs into Panopto (which is available to anyone with a BUNetID) to watch the video if they have the link or can see the embed. It will not, however, show up in everyone's Shared with Me option.
Faculty & Students
The number two issue when you or others are not able to see a Panopto video is a login issue with browsers. The fix (as long as sharing settings are correct) are as follows.
- Select the "Panopto Video" tool within the left hand navigation in Canvas. This auto logs you into Panopto, bypassing the browser. When you navigate back to your video, it should be showing.
- Navigate directly to and sign in there using your BU credentials. This also bypasses the browser and when you navigate back to your video it should be showing.