How do I find my Zoom meeting recordings in Panopto?
Tim Wheat
Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu
- Navigate to
- Select "My Folder" in the left hand navigation.
- Within this folder select "Meeting Recordings"
- Your Zoom meeting recordings go here by default.
Still not seeing them? Folks using the Zoom integration within Canvas will need to follow these extra steps.
- Navigate to and select “Account” from the left hand navigation.
- Select “Settings” from the open Account navigation.
- Select the “+Email Address” in the upper right portion of the screen.
- Add your [email protected] address.
- Select “Register Email”
- This will send an email to you. Go to your Bradley email account and select the email.
- Select “Click here to confirm email address” within that Learn generated email.
- Navigate back to your settings and select the [email protected] star to shade it black.
- Your recordings should now automatically go to your My Meetings folder within your My Folder in Panopto