Modifying Device Registration

Ryan Dodd

Last Update a year ago

Device Registration Overview:

Any device that you connect to the Bradley University network should be registered if it is unable to sign in to BUSecure. You can go here for more information related to device registration, or instructions on how to initially register a device. This guide will walk you through how to modify your device registration.

Modifying existing devices:

You can search for your existing devices by navigating to My Devices (pictured below).

Once you open that tab, you can see a list of all your currently registered devices. To register a new device, go here and follow the instructions. To modify a device, simply click the blue MODIFY button. This will allow you to change certain fields on your registered device. Please note that only the IT Service Desk can change some of the fields, and you will need to submit a ticket with us or call in order to do that. Once you have completed your changes, you can click the blue UPDATE DEVICE button to save those changes.

Device Identifier:

This is your device's MAC address. It should be 12 characters long. You cannot modify this field, so you may need to create a new registration if you did not enter the correct registration. The IT Service Desk has the ability to modify this field if you need it to be changed. You can locate your device MAC address by following these instructions.


This is an identifier for your device. It should be in the format of BUNetID-DeviceType. Please name your devices in this format. An example would be rdodd-desktop.

Client Class:

All of your devices should either be listed in the Student or Wireless Client Class. If your device is listed under a different class for some reason, it will not work. Use the Wireless class for all wireless devices. The Student class should be used for any wired devices.

Owner BUNetID:

This should be your BUNetID, which is the first part of your Bradley email. An example of a BUNetID is rdodd.


This should be the residence hall that you live in or your apartment building. If you live in Lovelace, Wendle, or Elmwood, your building will be "Singles Complex".

Room Number:

This should be the room that you live in. If you live in an apartment, such as St. James, you can put the building number with a dash for the apartment. An example would be 284-3. For any other buildings, use the room number.

Device Status:

You can have one of three statuses in this field. You cannot change it, but it should say "Enabled" for the device to work.
  1. Enabled - Your device will work properly on the Bradley University Network.
  2. Disabled - Your device was disabled. Please contact the IT Service Desk to have this changed.
  3. Quarantined - This means that your device has been quarantined. Please contact the IT Service Desk for further information on it.


This is an optional field for notes on your device. If you have devices under the same name or similar device names, use this to differentiate them.

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