What's the difference between my two Turnitin choices in Canvas?

Tim Wheat

Last Update 4 hari yang lalu

There are two ways to add Turnitin to your assignment in Canvas. See our corresponding article "How do I add Turnitin to my Canvas course?" for more information on how to install the tool. See the chart below to decide which way is best for you.

FeatureExternal tool (LTI 1.1)Plagiarism Framework
Originality Check (Similarity Reports)Yes. Available from the Turnitin inbox, Canvas SpeedGrader and Gradebook.Yes. Available from Canvas SpeedGrader and Gradebook.
Group assignmentsNoYes
Canvas SpeedGraderYes. This may be used in conjunction with Turnitin online grading tools.Yes. This is the recommended feedback tool when using the Plagiarism Framework.
ETS e-rater grammar checking (automated, immediate feedback)YesYes
Turnitin online grading toolsYesNo
Turnitin PeerMarkYesNo
Canvas Peer ReviewNoYes
Change due datesYes. Dates must be set before student submissions are made.Yes. Dates can be set before/after student submissions are made.
Canvas rubricsYes. Canvas rubrics need to be added to an assignment before the Turnitin External Tool tool is added.Yes. This is the recommended feedback tool when using the Plagiarism Framework.
Turnitin rubrics and grading formsYesNot available to students pre and post submission.
Multiple file submissionNo. All previous submissions will be overwritten.Yes. Each submission has its own Similarity Report. All previous submissions will be retained.
Collusion checkYes. On the due date, an updated score is available in Feedback Studio (accessible from the Turnitin LTI assignment inbox within Canvas), but will not be updated in Canvas Speedgrader or the Canvas Gradebook.Yes. On the due date, an updated score is available in Feedback Studio, and will be updated in Canvas Speedgrader and the Canvas Gradebook.

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